Africa-Caribbean health cooperation launched

A new initiative to strengthen South-South health cooperation between Africa and the Caribbean – the Health Development Partnership for Africa and the Caribbean (HeDPAC) – was launched Monday.

The initiative stems from the recognition that the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic fell most heavily on developing countries, especially on women and children. The pandemic led to the reversal of health gains, including maternal mortality, according to a statement announcing the partnership.

HeDPAC will focus on strengthening the health workforce in the Caribbean and Africa, and on sharing innovative solutions in primary health care, with a special emphasis on climate resilience, and maternal and child health.

Promoting technology transfer for pharmaceutical manufacturing, building regulatory capacity, and enhancing universal health coverage will be core HeDPAC strategies, according to a statement from HeDPAC.

Dr Haileyesus Getahu, who has led the global fight against drug-resistant bacteria and other microbes, is to serve as the HeDPAC’s first chief executive officer. Dr Getahun, who has a quarter-century of experience in global health, is currently the World Health Organisation’s Director of Global Coordination on Antimicrobial Resistance.

Dr Getahun said: “There is no better role in global health than to contribute to health equity for the most vulnerable.”

In a joint statement, Prime Minister Mia Mottley was joined by Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame as HeDPAC champions who acknowledged that the coronavirus pandemic revealed serious gaps in the delivery of healthcare in the two regions that the HeDPAC partnership is intended to address.

“COVID-19 left an indelible scar on our global solidarity and the right of all people to good health”, Prime Minister Mottley, who is also championing HeDPAC. “It is our shared responsibility to ensure that the inequity of the global response to COVID-19 is not repeated. This is the kind of action that will allow us to help people where they need it most.”

“COVID-19 exposed weaknesses in our health systems, but we also have the opportunity to address those challenges”, said President Kagame, who is a champion of the initiative. “The time to act is now”, he said.

“WHO is pleased to partner with HeDPAC in its efforts to achieve universal health coverage for the people of Africa and the Caribbean”, said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO. “South-South cooperation can play a critical role in catalysing a shared vision for health and the exchange of best practices between nations.”

“The establishment of HeDPAC heralds a new global public health order to realise health equity through greater political commitment and action”, said Professor Senait Fisseha, Vice President of the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, which is funding the initiative. “Through this collaboration, vulnerable countries and groups, including women and children, stand to benefit.” 


The post Africa-Caribbean health cooperation launched appeared first on Barbados Today.

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