#BTEditorial – Drive safely this season

#BTEditorial – Drive safely this season

Somewhere in this island, some silly motorist has just driven through a red traffic light. The inane practice has become as commonplace as locals feasting on pudding and souse on Saturdays. It is a habit, though, that can shorten one’s Saturdays – permanently. International data with respect to vehicular accidents indicate that thousands of motorists […]

BWA shares plan to deal with murky tap water

BWA shares plan to deal with murky tap water

by Sheria Brathwaite The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) has announced a series of measures to tackle the persistent issue of discoloured tap water stemming from the Bowmanston Pumping Station in St John. These include assistance from the private sector to supplement water to customers fed from that station, minimal pretreatment to minimise the discolouration of […]