Yearwood to PM: Fire your Deputy

President of the Democratic Labour Party, Dr Ronnie Yearwood, is calling for Deputy Prime Minister Santia Bradshaw’s resignation or dismissal in light of recent revelations. This controversy surrounds a personal cheque of $7,500 written to Bradshaw by Errol Clarke Associates, which was later stolen in an attempt to cash it.

In response, Bradshaw, who is also the Minister for Transport, Works and Water Resources, clarified that the cheque was part of a charitable contribution to her annual Christmas hamper and food voucher programme, which she has been organising for years to support families in her constituency. She said the contribution wasn’t related to any products or services provided to her ministry.

“This programme predates my becoming a Minister of Government. I strongly object to the insinuation of there being anything untoward about a cheque being submitted to my office and being deposited into an account from which funds are used to underwrite a charitable programme that assists thousands of families and households in St Michael South East.

“The benefactor in this instance is not currently providing any product or service to the Ministry over which I preside.  This particular contribution could have been written to my charity or in my name, as it was done. Either way, it was processed by my office and the proceeds went to the people of my constituency,” Bradshaw, the Leader of Government Business in the Lower House of Parliament said in her statement.

However, Yearwood expressed concern during a press conference, citing the Integrity In Public Life Act and highlighting the need for public officials to disclose gifts exceeding $2,500 to the commission. He pointed out that the $7,500 cheque should have been reported under this law, suggesting a violation by Bradshaw.

“The Minister should be fully aware of the legislation that she piloted in the lower house to introduce integrity in public life.  Section 23 makes it very clear a person in public life, which would cover the Deputy Prime Minister who receives a gift of more than $2,500 shall make a report of that gift to the commission.  The cheque had a value of $7,500 so already we are in a position where, under the legislation, a declaration should have been made.

“But with none being made, under this particular law the Deputy Prime Minister is guilty of an offence under the Integrity in Public Life Act.  And it is very telling and certainly very serendipitous that the person piloting the bill is the first person that would have been caught by the very law that they brought to parliament and not knowing what the particular legislation says because you have broken it by going over the amounts,” he told reporters.

Yearwood asserted that such behaviour wouldn’t be condoned under his leadership, demanded Bradshaw’s resignation, and urged Prime Minister Mia Mottley to remove Bradshaw from her position.

“I believe that the Deputy Prime Minister needs to resign because the matter is that serious and she should resign forthwith and in her resignation, an investigation should be launched into the relationship between the person who would have provided the funds to the Deputy Prime Minister and the relationship between that particular consulting firm and government and how many government contracts they have received.

“The reality is there is no way that you should be receiving any funds, whether it is for donations for a children’s party or not, or Christmas hampers or not, from anyone under your ministry.  The Minister of Transport and Works cannot be receiving funds from someone involved in works and building projects.  It is a clear conflict of interest and it is telling that [she] does not seem to recognise this conflict.  I would hope the Prime Minister has the strength to remove the Deputy Prime Minister,” he said


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