#BTColumn – New Year reflections

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Dr Basil Springer

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” – Philippians 4:8

 As another year dawned in the Caribbean last week, I reflected on my New Year’s resolutions in my business life and personal life. These resolutions encompass all aspects of life, from spiritual, intellectual, and physical to relationships, finances, and business.

When I focus on these resolutions, I don’t just improve myself; I contribute to the growth of the world around me. Our collective resolutions can create a ripple effect in various groups and communities, leading to broader societal and economic development.

Today, as I continue this journey of introspection and growth at the start of a new year, my primary focus will be on the spiritual and intellectual aspects of my resolutions. The spiritual realm offers a space for deep connection and inner peace, guiding my actions and decisions with a sense of purpose and alignment with higher values.

My spiritual resolutions remind me of a piece I wrote in 2011, titled The Spiritual Blanket. The spiritual blanket symbolises our communication with God in all aspects of our lives through prayer, mental conditioning, and keeping ourselves in God’s love by seeking His will.

To avoid crisis and embark on a renewed path toward a harmonious Caribbean, I suggest we align ourselves spiritually, seek refuge on a spiritual blanket, and receive God’s solutions through whispers during meditation.

Meditation requires discipline, but according to renowned author Dr Deepak Chopra, with mastery, you can slow your thoughts to the point where you reach a gap between them, wherein lies the infinite universe of possibilities.

My spiritual resolution for the New Year is to reestablish myself on a spiritual blanket and enjoy the journey.

The intellectual realm calls for a commitment to continuous learning and reflection. It’s a pursuit of knowledge and wisdom that enriches my understanding, empowering me to contribute more effectively to the world. 

My intellectual resolutions make me reflect on a decision over three decades ago, at 52, to capture some of my personal and business activities in a weekly column series.

With years of feedback and dialogue, I am satisfied with this decision. One column has led to another focusing on contributions to socioeconomic development issues. Many readers have kindly suggested book projects based on these column series.

After many false starts and being inspired by the works of my colleagues, I have decided to include two book projects in my 2024 resolutions.

One is a legacy project focused on Enterprise Development using the 3M Shepherding Model. Despite its tremendous potential to contribute to sustainable socioeconomic development, Enterprise Development has only been paid lip service, leaving us still “spinning top in mud.” The other is an autobiographical reflection on my life. 

The balance of spiritual grounding and intellectual curiosity contributes to the cornerstone of my approach to this new year, ensuring each step taken is enlightening and enriching.

Let our resolutions set a course that not only fulfils our aspirations but also uplifts those around us, paving the way for a future that is collectively brighter and more fulfilling.

Dr Basil Springer GCM is a Change-Engine Consultant. His email address is basilgf@marketplaceexcellence.com. His columns may be found at www.nothingbeatsbusiness.com.


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