#BTColumn – Embracing Change in Caribbean Tourism Development

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY. By Dr Basil Springer “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” – Romans 12:2 Caribbean tourism, with its potential to […]
DEM reveals nationwide project to safeguard lives should waves menace

Barbados has embarked on a national project to ready its coastal communities to escape approaching tsunamis and significantly reduce the loss of life, the Department of Emergency Management (DEM) has announced. The plan concentrates on the low-lying west and south coasts where most Barbadians and visitors live and are considered most vulnerable to giant waves […]
Organisers of new festival promise ‘one-of-a-kind’ experience

The organising team behind the Caribbean Music Festival has promised that the show will be a one-of-a-kind entertaining experience. During a media launch held on Wednesday evening at the Penthouse in Limegrove, St James, head of operations for the show Tredoana Parris said the event would be unlike any other. The festival takes place at […]
Tourism minister buoyed by rising cruise ship figures

Cruise passenger arrivals are poised to exceed last year’s tally by more than 160 000 visitors, Minister of Tourism and International Transport Ian Gooding-Edghill disclosed on Friday. Some 826 337 cruise passengers are expected to call at Bridgetown this year from 338 calls compared to the 661 635 arrivals recorded from 373 calls in 2023. […]
Task force to help improve passenger experience at airport

A task force may soon be established to improve the passenger experience at the airport for residents in light of what one MP perceives as unsatisfactory treatment from border officials. The disclosure came from Minister of Tourism Ian Gooding-Edghill in response to St Michael South Central MP Marsha Caddle’s criticism of several negative interactions Barbadians […]
Sports tourism a big filler in the summer

Barbados is going after the sports tourism market as it seeks to bolster the less popular summer months. This was outlined by the chairman of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) Shelly Williams while presenting in the Well of Parliament as debate continued on the Appropriation Bill, 2024. Some $21.53 million has been budgeted for […]
SSA workers: Health concerns just one of several issues in need of resolution

By Sheria Brathwaite A shocking discovery of infested drinking water tanks at the Sanitation Service Authority (SSA) Mangrove Pond landfill in St Thomas led to a work stoppage on Friday amid workers’ fear their health could be compromised by the latest in a series of issues there, Barbados TODAY has learned. When the Barbados Water […]
Improvements coming to tourist attractions

More investment in tourism businesses and renewed attention to the island’s attractions are among the areas for improvement identified by experts, lawmakers were told Friday. Work has already started on transforming the Barbados Museum, Minister of Tourism and International Transport Ian Gooding-Edghill told the Estimates hearing, but added there is potential for more restaurants and […]
The Indispensable Need for Free and Fair Elections

n 2024, a series of general elections in Latin American countries – including the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela – are pivotal events that will shape the internal dynamics of these countries. Because these elections will determine the future stability and prosperity of these influential countries, they are important to the region as a […]
Opposition Leader hits back at criticism

Leader of the Opposition Ralph Thorne on Friday served notice on his former government colleagues that he will continue to scrutinise, criticise and, where necessary, chastise but without any viciousness. His declaration came early on Friday morning as the House of Assembly resumed consideration of the 2024 Estimates under the Tourism and International Transport head. […]