UWI student wins NCD Commission’s competition

Akebulan Thuo, a student at The University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus, has emerged as the winner of the National NCD Commission’s polo shirt design competition.

The Commission, in its effort to reach various segments of the population, through the theme A Healthier Barbados, A Healthier Me, engaged young people in a polo shirt design competition. Some 40 submissions were received from students from primary and secondary schools, both public and private, and The UWI.

The initiative builds on the implementation of the National School Nutrition Policy, by supporting the expansion of the health message across and throughout the school environments.

Entrants were judged by members of the NCD Commission in two rounds, with final tailoring by a Graphic Artist of B3 Imaging, who printed the polo shirts.

Thuo won two day passes for two persons each, to the Sam Lord’s Castle Wyndham Grand Resort. Second and third-place winners were Brooklyn Mascoll of the St Alban’s Primary School and Hayley Scott of Christ Church Foundation School, respectively. They received prizes of one day pass for two persons each, to the Sam Lord’s Castle Wyndham Grand Resort.

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