On the one hand, this has been a wonderful year for children in Barbados in that laws such as the Child Protection Act have been passed that afford the most vulnerable enhanced protection. In addition, legislation has ensured that those who have strayed will be rehabilitated and reintegrated humanely through the provisions of the new Child Justice Act. These achievements have been internationally acknowledged.
But sadly, this year has also seen pushbacks against children’s rights from some misguided persons in our community. There was also little recognition that children’s rights are synonymous with parental rights, and that one cannot exist without the other.
Acknowledging and supporting human rights and, therefore, children’s rights accord with our Christian values. While it is accepted that not everyone is so persuaded, I know that the majority of Barbadians subscribe to those values. The bedrock of Christianity, as I understand it, is respecting and valuing all human beings. And the Messiah of our religion repeated this over and over again: teaching non-discrimination, teaching how we accept others, flaws and all – those with disabilities, the prince and the pauper alike. He also emphasised that the least among us must be accorded respect, and pointed out that even the little children must be allowed to come to Him and be able to participate in His teachings.
It is fitting, therefore, for us to be mindful of this in this particular season while celebrating His birthday and the new year. Let me therefore wish peace, love and goodwill to all men, women and children.
Faith Marshall-Harris is an attorney-at-law/legal consultant, and expert – UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
The post Reflecting on Children’s Rights: Progress and Challenges appeared first on Barbados Today.