Job Start Plus programme now open to people with disabilities

The Job Start Plus programme has been expanded to benefit people with disabilities, Minister of Labour, Social Security and Third Sector Colin Jordan announced in Parliament on Tuesday.

The programme was originally conceptualised to address the significant level of youth unemployment in the country. Jordan told lawmakers during debate on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill in the Lower House, that the initiative now offers tailored support for individuals with disabilities.

“And I’m happy to share with this honourable chamber . . . . not only are people with disabilities now a part of the programme, but the same hand-holding that I spoke to when I started this intervention in this debate, we have embedded into the programme,” the minister said.

A key feature of the expansion is financial assistance for businesses seeking to make their workplaces more accessible.

Jordan explained that micro or small businesses can access grants of up to $5 000 “to retrofit . . . and to make certain adjustments and amendments and to change out things or to purchase equipment”, following investigations and screening.

“We recognise that this movement to cause all of Barbados and the world to recognise that people with disabilities are people [who] may need some assistance . . . is a ‘two hands clapping’ kind of a situation,” he said. “There are some small, very small employers who we may have to help along and so, this government is not about beating up people, making people feel shame about things.”

“Those who need the assistance will get the assistance,” Jordan declared.

The expanded programme also includes a provision for assistive technology, offering up to $2 500 for products that help people with disabilities in the workplace.

Jordan said this is another component of Job Start Plus for small and micro and third sector employers “who want to take up the responsibility, the moral responsibility to employ persons with disabilities.” (FW)

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