Council investigating whether new synthetic drug here

The National Council on Substance Abuse (NCSA) has launched an investigation into the possible presence here of two synthetic drugs first discovered in Argentina, amid rising concerns over their potential impact on youth and public safety. NCSA Deputy Manager Troy Wickham made this revelation on Wednesday during an early warning system and new psychoactive substances […]
Sale of unhealthy snacks outside schools still a concern

A health advocate has raised alarm over the continued sale of unhealthy food products by vendors outside schools, undermining a national effort to combat childhood obesity. Despite the implementation of a National School Nutrition Policy, the lack of enforcement for off-campus vendors threatens to undo the progress made in promoting healthier eating habits among students, […]
Task force plans campaign to pressure plantation owner

Barbados is set to escalate its campaign for reparations against Richard Drax, the British Conservative MP and owner of Drax Hall plantation, as negotiations remain stalled over the St George estate where African ancestors suffered centuries of brutal enslavement. The National Task Force on Reparations (NTFR) also plans to launch a public education initiative […]
Chris lays bare the drug culture, economic divide

Christopher Hughes, better known by his online alias Chris Must List, recently shone a light on the deeply ingrained drug culture and stark economic divide in Barbados. If it took the presence of a foreign vlogger to highlight the increasing chasm between the poor, working-class communities and those enjoying a higher standard of living—that is […]
Call to participate in childhood nutrition surveillance study

The nutritional health and dietary habits of children ages six to 11 are the focus of a Childhood Nutrition Surveillance Study being conducted by the George Alleyne Chronic Disease Research Centre and The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, in collaboration with the Shaw Centre for Paediatric Excellence. All eligible children and […]