Big plans ahead for people with disabilites

Persons with disabilities (PWDs) have been assured that exciting times lie ahead in relation to opportunities the Government will be providing for them, with a view to setting an inclusive climate and ensuring they live fulfilling and active lives.


The message came today from Permanent Secretary, Jehu Wiltshire, at the start of a workshop to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the newly enacted Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill and its associated implications. It was held at the Radisson Aquatica.


Wiltshire noted that during the past 18 months to two years, Government had been instrumental in undertaking a number of initiatives and interventions which have redounded to the benefit of persons with disabilities.


He noted these include the extension of social security support for persons with a wide range of disabilities including Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, and Down Syndrome.


Noting the formulation of the comprehensive 2023-2030 National Policy for Improving the Lives of Persons with Disabilities in Barbados was laid in Parliament last year, he stressed it would not sit on a shelf but would be accompanied by a very comprehensive strategic plan.


Adding that it is being executed on the basis of a public awareness programme, in relation to persons with disabilities, the Permanent Secretary pointed out that this was followed by the groundbreaking piece of legislation in terms of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act.  


He stressed it would shortly be proclaimed and it essentially “provides a legal framework for guaranteeing inclusive education and training opportunities, accessible and dignified health care, measures to increase employment for persons with disabilities, reasonable access to building, affordable and reliable transportation and protection from natural disasters”.Wiltshire noted that in relation to accessibility to buildings, the Ministry intends to complete an audit in relation to buildings that are owned and used by Government, to ensure persons with disabilities have easy access to those buildings.


“Not only in terms of wheelchairs but various communication devices which Government will be seeking to install,” he stated.


The Permanent Secretary also noted that the Ministry, through the National Disabilities Unit (NDU), was determined to execute more activities beneficial to this group.


“More specifically, the Unit intends to facilitate persons with disabilities in being able to access a wider range of resources, through the amalgamation of the National Disabilities Unit, Child Care Board, Welfare Department, and the National Assistance Board into one comprehensive entity, to be known as the Social Empowerment Agency,” he said.


Those present heard there would be a number of programmes introduced by this agency, including the reintroduction of the Mangrove Agricultural Project to train PWDs in food crop production, with the goal of employing in excess of 30 persons. Additionally, there would be the construction of a Sheltered Workshop to teach PWDs vocational skills to aid, for instance, with small engine repairs and repairs to wheelchairs.


It is also envisaged that more persons will be prepared for the world-of-work, through gaining skills in flower arranging and sign language and will benefit further from work experience programmes. Also, training in Artificial Intelligence is expected to be provided to PWDs through the Ministry of Education.


Mr. Wiltshire added that measures would be taken to enhance the Recreational and Rehabilitative Facility at the NDU, as a space for recreational and fundraising events.


He said this would be undertaken along with the introduction of a video relay service to enhance the ability of the hearing impaired to effectively communicate, particularly when undertaking business transactions.



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