Use psychology rather than punishment to tackle youth violence

A university psychologist has called for an urgent shift away from punitive responses to youth violence towards addressing the deep-seated psychological factors that drive it, arguing that trauma and adverse childhood experiences are key contributors to violent behaviour among young people.


The position was laid out by Professor of Psychology Donna-Maria Maynard, when she delivered a lecture this week entitled Rethinking Youth Violence in the Caribbean: A Psychological Perspective, organised by the Faculty of Humanities and Education at UWI Cave Hill.


Professor Maynard contends that the psychological approach is the primary way to create meaningful and lasting behavioural change.


“Youth violence is often framed as a criminal issue, but by looking through a psychological lens, we see that it is far more complex. It is shaped by early childhood experiences, social influences, and cultural norms,” she said.


The psychologist said many studies highlight the impact of socioeconomic disparities on youth violence, along with economic hardship, unemployment and lack of opportunities being frequently cited as contributing factors, with some young people turning to crime and violence as a means of survival.


“Rethink youth violence,” the mental health expert suggested, “from a psychological perspective. While crime statistics paint a grim picture, psychology urges us to look beyond the numbers to examine the social, cognitive and emotional underpinnings of these behaviours, challenging ourselves to rethink our approach to this urgent issue.”


Professor Maynard identified adverse childhood experiences and trauma as one of the root causes of crime and violence among young people.


She explained that many young people are growing up exposed to domestic violence where, for example, violence is taking place within their homes as well as neglect and abuse which can lead to trauma.


“Trauma is an emotional response to deeply depressing experiences. Now trauma is not just about the event itself, but rather, how the individual perceives it, often leaving them feeling helpless or threatened,” the researcher pointed out.


She said when one considers childhood, it is recognised that children rely on parents for protection and guidance, and have little control over harmful situations in the home such as witnessing a parent’s abusive relationship, and that their ability to make decisions for themselves is “extremely” limited.


The academic noted that in Caribbean culture, children are largely expected to follow instructions, rather than assert autonomy.


Professor Maynard said when violence in the Caribbean is examined through a psychological perspective, one must recognise trauma’s profound impact, whether acute from a single event, chronic from repeated exposure or complex from multiple adverse experiences.


“Trauma,” she added, “shapes emotional and behavioural responses. If left unaddressed, it can fuel aggression, impulsivity and cycles of violence. Trauma can significantly disrupt brain development affecting emotional regulation, cognitive functioning, and social behaviour.”


The expert submitted that prolonged exposure to stress alters the brain architecture, particularly in areas which are responsible for processing emotions, memory and decision-making.


“These changes can lead to heightened stress responses, difficulty with impulse control and challenges in forming secure relationships,” she told her audience.

“For young people, these effects can contribute to a cycle of violence that is very difficult to break. To develop effective interventions that address the root causes of youth violence and support healthy emotional development, we must first understand the psychological challenges,” Professor Maynard observed.



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