BDF’s new Chief of Staff sworn in

Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Lovell has been sworn in as the Barbados Defence Force’s new Chief of Staff.
During a brief swear-in ceremony at State House on Tuesday in the presence of President Dame Sandra Mason, Prime Minister Mia Mottley, and other members of Cabinet, Lt Col Lovell took his oath of allegiance and became one of the youngest soldiers to lead the force.

New Chief of Staff of the Barbados Defence Force Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Lovell at this morning’s ceremony.

Lovell said he was humbled by the promotion.

From left: Former BDF Chief of Staff Commodore Errington Shurland; Attorney General Dale Marshall; Prime Minister Mia Mottley; Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Lovell; President Dame Sandra Mason, Permanent Secretary in Prime Minister’s Office Alies Jordan; Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Kerrie Symmonds; Minister of Health the Most Honourable Dr Jerome Walcott and Commissioner of Police Richard Boyce.

“It is my pleasure to say to Barbados that I have the honour and the privilege to take command of the Barbados Defence Force, taking the reins from Commodore Errington Shurland, one of our finest military officers who’s ever been in the Barbados Defence Force.
“It’s a humbling experience that the Prime Minister, the President, the Cabinet, the people of Barbados have placed such a responsibility on a relatively young person, and I can say to you that the responsibility that has been imposed on me will be repaid in spades to the people of Barbados,” he said. (SB)

Read full story in Tuesday’s Epaper




The post BDF’s new Chief of Staff sworn in appeared first on Barbados Today.

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