Roberts Manufacturing anniversary celebrations bears fruit at St George Primary

The agricultural science programme at the St George Primary School received a boost on Wednesday with a generous donation of fruit trees from Roberts Manufacturing, as part of the company’s 80th anniversary celebrations.


Agriculture teacher Marsha Burke believes it will further enhance the school’s vibrant agricultural science curriculum.


“The fruit trees will not only provide shade but also produce fruit, which ties perfectly with our strong agricultural science programme. We already have a garden and a fully operational rabbitry, so this is just the beginning of what I believe will be a wonderful partnership,” she said.


Managing Director of Roberts Manufacturing, Rakeesh Bernard elaborated on the company’s reasons for initiating this project.


“Roberts Manufacturing is celebrating 80 years, and we wanted to give back to the community in a meaningful way,” Bernard explained. “We decided to plant 80 trees in line with the Prime Minister’s million trees mandate, starting with St George Primary. This project is about more than just planting trees – it’s about creating a lasting impact on the environment and supporting education.”


The tree-planting initiative will extend to several other schools over the coming days, with a variety of fruit and shade trees being planted to meet the needs of each location.


Bernard also mentioned the company’s plans to adopt St George Primary and support it in various ways.


“We’ll be discussing how we can contribute to the school’s growth and development in the coming weeks,” he said.


The post Roberts Manufacturing anniversary celebrations bears fruit at St George Primary appeared first on Barbados Today.

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