Lions Club donates hampers to NDU on World Food Day

The Lions Club of St Michael presented food hampers and other essential items to the National Disabilities Unit (NDU) on Wednesday in recognition of World Food Day 2024, under the theme, Right to Foods for a Better Life and a Better Future.


The club presented five hampers and five bags of toiletries to the NDU at their headquarters.


NDU Director John Hollingsworth expressed the unit’s deep appreciation for the gesture, noting its significance to the disabled community: “The National Disabilities Unit is extremely pleased to accept this donation on behalf of our clientele from the Lions Club of St Michael through Ms Rosita Drakes and her team. We are extremely happy that persons still remember people with disabilities on occasions such as this.”


Hollingsworth added that while such donations often come during the Christmas season, this timely contribution will support vulnerable individuals ahead of Independence Day.


“On this World Food Day, I am glad that organisations such as the Lions Club are able to remember the less fortunate in our society, particularly persons with disabilities, who are arguably the most vulnerable members of our society,” he added.


Drakes, speaking on behalf of the Lions Club, shared that their annual World Food Day activity was a staple for the club in its efforts to help the less fortunate.


“Every year, we always give hampers to deserving persons, and this year, we chose the National Disabilities Unit,” she said.


Drakes said the funds for these donations were raised through raffles, tea parties, and luncheons, and were sometimes supplemented by personal contributions from Lions Club members.


NDU Assistant Director Wayne Nurse also extended his gratitude to the Lions Club, highlighting the impact the donation would have on the lives of “deserving clients”.




The post Lions Club donates hampers to NDU on World Food Day appeared first on Barbados Today.

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